Digital Yoga Studio
This now fully online yoga studio based in Luxembourg came to us with a goal in mind. We turned the idea into a beautfiul, highly functional WordPress website with a live scheduling software for their new digital classes.
Anushia is now a fully digital yoga studio due to the COVID 19 pandemic. The goal here is to help people who are stressed and worried in these uncertain times. Anushia came to us looking for help to go fully digital. So we did just that. By giving them a brand new website to allow people to sign up for sessions online and get in contact with the instructors. They are now flourishing online and helping people around the globe with their live yoga and meditation sessions.
The goal of this website was to switch to a more responsive platform. We moved from Wix to WordPress to allow for more tools to be utilized and for a cleaner, easier to use design.
Key development features include a mobile responsive design, live instagram feed, and custom WordPress development.
Client: Daniel Carcillo
Software: WordPress
Features: Live Scheduling Software